Discover Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation

Discover Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation

Our Story
Mdogo disabled children's foundation (formerly Hope Always International) is a Non-Government Organization based in Uganda-Africa. The organization was founded by Ronald Sekitoleko who was by then a second year Social Work Student at Bugema University in Uganda-Africa. The Organization is fully registered with the Uganda national NGO Bureau. Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation has an operational MOU with the Central Government of Uganda through the line Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development and also has an MOU with Uganda’s Local Government through Nakaseke District. The organization started as a Community-Based Organization in Nakaseke District in 2011. Due to the continued demand of Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation services in the different parts of the country, Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation elevated from being a Community Based Organization and was registered as a full Non Government Organization (NGO) to operate in Uganda.

After years of Ronald Sekitoleko,s struggles, perseverance and consistence for the empowerment of children with severe disabilities in Uganda and East Africa, while attending a fellowship at the Rotary club of Kiwatule at Kabira Country Club Hotel in Kampala-Uganda, in March 2019, Ronald Sekitoleko then a Roaractor with the Rotaract club of Kampala the “CORE” met with Rotarian. Dr. Ronald Smith of the USA who was a guest speaker at the Rotary fellowship.

Ronald introduced himself to Rotarian Dr. Ron Smith and invited him to speak to his fellow Rotaractors at the Rotaract club of Kampala the CORE. Here, Ronald Sekitoleko was able to share about Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation work and programs for children with severe disabilities. Since then, Rotarian. Dr. Ron Smith has been at the forefront to see that the Rotary get involved to support the Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation noble cause of empowering Children with severe disabilities in Africa and around the world.

Rotarian Dr. Ron Smith is an active and dedicated Rotarian, joining the Blue Bell Rotary as a founding member in 1987. 

He served as club president in 1994-95 and went on to serve as rotary district governor of eastern Pennsylvania in 2006-07.

Dr. Ron Smith took up a mantle to mentor Rotaractor Ronald Sekitoleko, today, Ronald Sekitoleko a proud Rotarian and a member of the Rotary club of Kiwatule District 9213, Uganda.

With the great support of Rotarian. Dr. Ron Smith, Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation is now fiscally sponsored by Humanitarian Social Innovations a 501(c)(3) organization in the USA.

Who we are

Who we are

About Us

Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation is committed to improving the lives of children with severe disabilities in Uganda and the entire Africa through Special Needs education and vocational training skills, Medical and rehabilitation services, Nutrition, Compassion, recreation, advocacy, and Economic Empowerment to the families of children with Special Needs.

Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation envisions a society where all children with severe disabled live in a friendly environment, fully enjoying their rights.

Mdogo Disabled Children’s Foundation is guided by Christian principles while serving Severely disabled children and families of all religions. We believe that every child is a child of God and deserves to be loved and cared for.   Children severe disabilities should have access to Special Needs education, they should be valued members of the community and society at large, and should receive the health care they need to thrive. Jesus is clear in his teachings that we are to reach out to others in need.   Some scriptures that guide our work include:
Matthew 25:34-40
34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

We therefore emphasize;
·       Compassion                      
·       Love
·       Honesty and respect
·       Commitment
·       Transparency
·       Team work

·  To promote and support children with severe disabilities to access education and vocational training skills.
·  To support Children with severe disabilities to access Medical, Nutrition and rehabilitation services
·  To improve on household income levels for the families of children with severe disabilities.
·  To Identify, Improve and promote talents of Children with severe disabilities
·  To advocate for rights for the rights of Children with severe disabilities

Standing for Children with Severe Disabilities

Standing for Children with Severe Disabilities

Our Team

Our Team

Founder and Executive Director Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation
Head of Programs
Head of finance
Acting head of Medical and Rehabilitation
Head of Special Needs Education and Vocation Skills Training
Head of Welfare
Acting head of Research Department
Media Consultant
Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation Board

Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation Board

Board Treasurer
Board Mobilizer
Board Member
Board Member
​Board Member
Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation USA

Mdogo Disabled Children's Foundation USA

Mdogo Disabled Children's foundation Coordinator USA
Mdogo Disabled Children's foundation Legal Partners

Mdogo Disabled Children's foundation Legal Partners

Our Legal advisors
Lead Partner at KSMO Advocates
We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

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Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.